Saturday, April 11, 2009

Act of Kindness # 9

Today, I decided to enlist my adorable niece and nephew to assist me in completing the day's task. We decided to buy 9 flowers and pass them out to people we saw as we walked around Port Townsend.
(PS- I might be in love with this historic town. . . stayed tuned for a blog all about it.)
They picked out the daffodils themselves, and tied blue ribbons around each stem.
As we walked around town, there was growing enthusiasm for these flowers. We walked into one shop and the owner of the store asked, "Where is everyone getting these wonderful daffodils?" My sister proudly replied, "From my children!" The shopkeeper went on to tell us about her childhood, and how every Easter she would place daffodils upon the altar at her church. Erin handed her a flower and the woman was so delighted.
Every reaction was of surprise! One little boy, in precious yellow galloshes asked, "A flower for me? Thank you for giving me a flower!" His sweet spirit and genuine gratitude has become my favorite moment of this vacation and this project thus far!
I'm so grateful I got to share that moment with my family!

My precious niece and nephew preparing the daffodils.
Carolynne placed the first one in the mail box of a lovely Victorian hotel we explored!



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