Thursday, March 3, 2011

DIVA's Live at Industry | NYC

A while back I dropped a little hint about a new show that I am a part of. . .

Presented by Marty Thomas starring Anne Fraser Thomas, Kelly King, and ME!
Each week we bring you big diva songs, and a special guest diva!
This week we share the stage with the amazing Orfeh!

Every Monday at 11pm at Industry Bar.
I'd love to see you all there!

Follow us on Facebook to keep updated on each week's Guest Diva!

And thank you to Broadway World for the love!

And look for us next week on the cover of TIME OUT NY!!

1 comment:

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Ruler of R&B Kyla, Pop Rock Superstar Yeng Constantino, Queen of Theme Songs Angeline Quinto, Soul Supreme KZ, and West End Diva Rachelle Ann Go are among the best female entertainers of their era! Having made their own particular imprint in the stimulation business..