Monday, February 28, 2011

Slight Smile Part 2 | Only in NY

I just arrived home from a beautiful day at church to receive this reply from

"Well stated and duly noted.

In all honesty, I couldn't make love to you in good conscience knowing you were abandoning your morals. Sexual union with a woman must be the affirmation of life itself, an intensity both sensual and spiritual. Anything else is against my morality.

Thanks again, this time for your frankness and sincerity."

Just goes to show you that it's worth it to live true to what you believe.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Slight Smile | Only in NY

The other day I was riding the C train home after meeting up with a client to review photos. As I stepped onto the train, I noticed a very handsome man looking right at me. Flattered and flustered, I took a seat and tried to get comfortable.

This was not a boy, mind you, but a 6'4", well built, Rick Fox- look-a-like, very manly man's man.

I pulled out my phone and opened up the book I had been reading earlier that day. I could feel his gaze still focused on me, so I took a little breath, turned my head and made eye contact. He smiled, so I gave a slight smile, then turned back to my book.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he had pulled out a piece of paper, wrote something down, and folded it in his hand.

The train began to slow as we pulled to my stop, and I started to exit the train. He stepped off just before me and turned, placing one hand on my shoulder, and grabbing my open hand, he passed to me his little note while saying,

"Excuse me, I think you dropped this."

"Oh, did I?" I giggled as I started up the stairs.
Glancing behind me, I saw him jump back on the train and continue uptown.

Half way up the stairs I unfolded the note:
"Thank you for the slight smile."

I couldn't help but be flattered, so when I got home I jumped on the computer to send a reply:
"You're welcome for the slight smile.

A few hours later as I picked up my laptop to do some work, I saw that I had a reply:

"Dear Kat,
I'd like to see more of that smile someday accompanied by some excellent conversation and a bit more overt flirtation."

At this point I'm thinking, sweet, sounds like a gentleman.
The email continued:

"I should warn u though, my situation is complicated.
I'm a bad@ss, an unrepentant womanizer.
I just want to be honest about the fact that your smile didn't inspire anything platonic.
Should u be up for the adventure, I have every intention of making u my lover.

If u can't handle it, that's cool, I understand.
Just let me know one way or the other and thanks again for that sultry ass girl next door smile of yours.
That's a dangerous weapon, be careful with that."

Jaw open, I stared at the screen.
Hmmmm. How to respond?
I took a bit of time to prepare the appropriate response.

I took a few days to think it over, and here are my thoughts:

Thank you for the warning.
Should I ever decide to abandon my morals, you can be the first one in line.
It's very unlikely, though.
But, thanks for the flattery.
Have a nice day.

Only in New York.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Katie O'Neill | Sunny Day

I love getting amazing clients referred through amazing friends.
Katie is one such girl.
And unfortunately, her previous experiences getting headshots taken were not the most possitive. It was my happy job to chance her experience, and we had the most fantastic sunny day to help us on our way.
The sun wasn't the only thing shining. . . this newlywed was shining her gorgeous ring and her gorgeous smile at my camera all day.








Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lisa Lehr | in NYC

Back in the day, I traveled the world working on cruise ships. This was some of the most fun of my life, not only because I was seeing exotic ports of call on a daily basis, and getting paid to do it, but also because I got to live and work with some of the best people I've ever known.

One such person is the fantastical Lisa Lehr.
As a director and choreographer, and before that as a dancer, she has traveled the world and won the hearts of all those she works with. This last weekend, she came to New York City, and with the amazing Dara Klein doing makeup, we had a fantastic afternoon, despite the freezing winds that forced us to shoot only inside.









Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Morgan James | Live at Dominion

My uber-talented and oh-so-gorgeous friend Morgan James did it again on Monday night.
What did she do, you ask?
She melted faces, ya'll.
With such an original sound & such powerful stage presence, a Morgan James concert is truly unlike any other.
I was there to document this crazy-amazing girl again, and loved every minute of it!
(PS- there was also a huge team of incredible videographers there, and in a few weeks, lucky you will be able to watch the whole thing in HD!)

In case you missed it this time, you have one more chance to see her at Dominion this next Monday, Feb 28th.






Friday, February 18, 2011

Things are Changing!!

Lots of things are changing in my life, including. . .

- A new City.

- A new Apartment.

- New lovely friends.

- A new Website.

- And a diva-liscious new show!

Stay tuned as I spill the deets in the coming days!

Morgan James | Get Your Tickets!

So, remember not too long ago when I photographed this stunning woman LIVE as she melted everyone's face?


Well, you are in luck, cause there's still time for you to see her do it again!
This Monday, February 21st at Dominion | 8pm

PS- You are about to see a lot more of her on this blog!

Friday, February 11, 2011


I like food.
I like photography.
And lately, I've been contemplating the wonderful world that combines those two things:
Food Photography.

I just came across Scott Peterson, and I must say. . .

I wanna eat his photos!

Here are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vintage Maps

It's my someday dream to have a home with a devoted Library featuring giant vintage maps of the world. While I am not quite ready for my dream home, in the meantime I can at least wear a little piece of my dream. . .

Thank you Anthropologie. . .

Natalie Colvin

This gorgeous girl came to me via my uber-talented-voice-teacher-of-a-sister Erin Guinup.
I have been lucky enough to not only watch her grow in talent over the years, but in beauty as well. As her vocal coach, it makes me proud to know that this girl will go on to do big things!
Here are a few shots from her effortless photoshoot! Get it, Nat!



